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Date of birth: June 4th, 1975, 2 children, French nationality
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-5594-6694, WoS ResearcherID O-2920-2015
Web site:
1994-2005: Medical studies (Paris VI) and residency in oncology (Lille University)
2004: Master 2 degree (Paris XI, and Curie Institute Pr Louvard)
2005: MD Thesis and Oncology Speciality Diploma (Lille University)
2011: PhD Thesis, University Paris VII, supervisor Prof. Anne Janin, pathologist, UMR_S1165.
2013: Research Director Habilitation (HDR), University Paris VII.
2017- : Professor in Medical Oncology, Avicenne Hospital/Sorbonne Paris Nord University.
2019- : Team leader, MASCOT Unit, UMR_S942 and co-director of MASCOT in 2025
Team members: 30 members including 14 women*, with 2 permanent researchers (LU He and Philippe Ratajczak), 8 medicine university professors (Guilhem Bousquet, Anne Janin*, Géraldine Falgarone*, Cédric de Bazelaire, Eric de Kerviler, Nicolas Sellier, Pierre Mongiat-Artus, Laetitia Vercellino*), 1 medicine university associate professor (Frédéric Pamoukdjian), 1 university professor (Mélanie di Benedetto*), 2 Associate Professors (Léa Remy-Tourneur*, Samar Kabbara*),1 felloship/CCA (Eurydice Angeli*, 1 practitioner(Diaddin Hamdan), 2 biologist engineers (Christophe Leboeuf, Guillaume Gapihan), 1 technician (Fatiha Bouhidel*), 1 secretary (Annie Perez*), 1 postdoc (Justine Paris*), 6 PhD students (Thuy Nguyen*, Bui Oanh*, Nguyen Tai, Lina Ghezil*, Sara Martinez-Concheso*, Kelly Ndonfak*), 2 members of our International Associate Laboratory Inserm in Shanghaï (Prof ZHAO Weili*, Prof WANG Li*), 1 member of the Translational Research Cancer Center in Ha Noi (DAO Van Tu).
2005-2009: Medical fellowship at Saint-Louis Hospital in oncology/Paris VII University
2008-2011: Ph.D Thesis, experimental pathology training
2011-2012: Post-doctoral fellowship at Lille Pasteur Institute, Dr P. Lassalle, UMR1004
2011 : Management training, Cancéropôle Île-de-France
2012-2013: University diploma for animal experimentation, Paris VI
2016-2017: Economic Management, EMAMH, Ecole des Mines de Paris
2005: First prize Guy Michel from French Society of Gynecology Oncology
2006: Master Grant from Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.
2009: Prize/Grant ARTuR from Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs Rénales.
2021: Ph.D. and Research Supervising Prize from Sorbonne Paris XIII
2023: Medal of the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam, for the Franco-Vietnamese collaboration, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Indochina Curie Institute (November 2023, Ha Noi)
2012-2022: 19 Master students including 11 women*/3 PhD directed (Morad El Bouchtaoui, defense mar 2018; Toni Nunes, defense feb 2019; Eurydice Angeli, defense mar 2022)/ 1 international PhD co-directed with Viet Nam (Dao VT, defense nov 2017)/ Supervision 3 post-doc (Diaddin Hamdan, 2020;Frédéric Pamoukdjian: 2021;Morad El Bouchtaoui, 2019-2022)/ Supervision of 1 international post-doc (Dao Van Tu, 2018).
2020- : 3 international phD co-directed with Viet Nam (TT Nguyen*, 2020-2024; TO Bui*, 2020-2024; Tai Nguyen, 2021-2024), 1 phD co-directed (S Martinez*, 2023-2026).
“Primary breast sarcomas and phyllode tumors”, Rare Cancer Network meeting, Paris, 2016
“Molecular signature of breast cancer brain metastases” and “Patient-derived xenografts for personalized breast cancer treatment”, Franco-Vietnamese symposium, Ha Noï, Viet Nam, 2017
“Cancer stem-cells and tumor heterogeneity”, Cold Spring Harbor Asia Pacific, Su Zhou, China, 2017
“Resistance to anti-angiogenic drugs”, Experimental Haematology Meeting, Shanghai, China, 2018
“Preclinical development of anticancer drugs”, Dual-Model training course in Vietnam about Clinical Trial Design and Protocol Writing, support US NCI’s Center for Global Health, Viet Nam 2022
“Systemic treatments for bladder cancer: state of the art », 4th Franco-Vietnamese symposium in Oncology, Ha Noi, 2023
2012-2018: PhD school teaching coordination “Targeted therapies in onco-hematology”, Paris VII
It is delivered every two years to PhD students and is focusing on teaching carcinogenetic pathways with the identification of potential molecular targets and the therapeutic implications.
2016- : Co-coordination with Pr Philippe Bertheau of an e-learning teaching module dedicated to pre-graduate students, Universities Paris VII and XIII.
This e-learning module is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) dedicated to third year medical school students of two Paris universities, and is teaching them oncology. It is entitled “Diagnosis strategies in medical oncology”. It is delivered once a year.
2017- : Co-coordination with Pr Karen Leroy of an e-learning dedicated to medical resident in oncology: “Cancer biology”.
2020- : Coordination of an inter-university diploma (DIU) between two Universities.
This educational module, mainly dedicated to PhD students, is an extension of the PhD school teaching I coordinated since 2012. It is entitled “Targeted therapies in oncology and inflammatory chronic diseases: from pathophysiology to treatments, and how to redact a research program”. It involves 58 teachers over a period of 3 weeks.
2018 and 2019: Co-organization with Dr DAO Van Tu of the second and third Franco-vietnamese meetings on lung and colon cancers, Ha Noï, Viet Nam.
2014-2018: Scientific Committee of University Paris VII, 2014-2018.
2019- :Scientific Committee of University Paris XIII Medical School
2020- :Administrator of Paris XIII
Member of PhD jury panel: 16, including 9 women.
Member of Habilitation for Research Direction jury panel: 2.
Regular reviewer for PlosOne, Pathobiology, Neoplasia, Stem Cells, Oncotarget, Aging-US, Clinical Translational Medicine, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, Advanced Materials, Oncogene,…: from 2014 on (10-12 reviews/yr).
2021- :Guest Editor for Cancers: two special issues including one entitled “Recent Advances in Nanotechnologies for Cancer Detection and Treatment”
Expertise of National Grants: Cancéropôles GIRCI, CLARA,Grand Sud-Ouest, 2014-2017
Expertise of International Grant: NCWR/Liverpool, 2015
2009: Research grant from Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs Rénales. PI: 30k€
2017, 2021, 2024: three grants from APHP International Relationships for Vietnamese students. PI: 62k€
2018-2022: Project HEPPROS. Plan Cancer Physique Cancer. Co-investigator: 96k€
2019-2022: Three Bonus for Quality Research University Paris XIII. PI and co-PI: 53k€
2019-2023: Institutional endowment (Inserm, Universities). PI: 100 k€/yr
2019-2021: Industrial collaboration, animal models (Skymab), PI: 25k€
2020: Single-cell microdissection up-grading, equipment grant from Inserm. PI: 20k€
2020-2023: “Programme de bourses d’excellence 2020”, French embassy in Vietnam. PI: 60k€
2022: Grant from University Paris XIII International Relationship (ERASMUS). PI: 8 k€
On-going collaborations: with physicists participating (Pr Bruno Palpant, Ecole Centrale, University Paris-Saclay, for pulsed-laser treatments; Dr Thomas Pons, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielle, for engineering hybrid metallic nanoparticles), with biologists at Centre à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) (Dr Aloise Mabondzo and Dr Didier Boquet, on a program dedicated to engineering trastuzumab Fab antibodies for the treatment of HER2-overexpressing metastases), with pharmacologists at Tours University (Pr Gilles Paintaud) for the pre-clinical development of innovative therapeutic antibodies).
107 publications – 24 in journal with IF > 7; 65 in journal with IF > 3, including 2 highly cited 2 Lancet Oncol, 4 J Clin Oncol, 4 Eur Urology, 1 Ann Oncology, 2 Clin Cancer Res, 2 Cancer Res, 1 J Exp Clin Cancer Res,10 Oncotarget, 2 Clin Transl Med, 3 Cancers. | 16 reviews 2 editorials 3 book chapters 78 open access | > 14000 citations (Scholar) > 3400 citations (Web of Sciences) h-index = 32 (Scholar); 25 (WOS) |
Prof. Guilhem BOUSQUET